28-09-2015 Introduction Health and Safety
Health and safety is extremly important in all industries
There are many legislations in place which cover all aspects of health and safety. Within a working environment procedures should be followed these include:
•Hygiene, safety and sterilisation
•well kept record cards and consultation forms
•Preparing the model
•Maintenance of the correct stock
•Correct waste disposal
Hygienic working environment are essential and extremely important this prevents cross infection and contamination. You must ensure all brushes kit and work surfaces are santised and where possible with a disinfectant. A dirty environment and equipment is unprofessional and can spread bacterial, viral, fungal infections and infestations. Infections also occur when a makeup artist works unhygically
To clean brushes use brush cleaners these remove grease, oil and the cosmetics from the brushes. Many brush cleaners contain disinfectant while conditioning the brushes at the same time.
Dispose of sponges and heavily soiled powder puffs
Wash headbands, towels, powder puffs and makeup gowns
Wipe surfaces and products with disinfectant and antibacterial cleaning product
The working environment
The room where possible should be a comfortable working temperature and well lit. Depending on your location this may not always be possible
Mirrors should be cleaned with glass cleaner. Work surfaces and chairs should be wiped with antibacterial
The chair should provide support to the model and should be the correct working height to prevent damaged to your back
There should be a bin available. This should be lined and regularly emptied. If this is not possible use a bowl or small bag to dispose of used items
Lids should be kept on products to prevent spillages and contamination
Makeup Artist conduct
Hair should always be clean. Anyone with long hair should tie it up and worn off the face.
Clean clothes must be worn. You should look professional
Your nails should be clean and short so you do not scratch the model
Jewlellery (rings and bracelets) should be avoided. They can stratch the model
You should always cleanse your hands before each model with a handwash or antibacterial
You should have good oral hygiene have mints in your kit
wounds must be covered
Spatuals should be used when removing products from containers. Never dip fingers into the containers
Lip and eye pencils should be sharpened before use with a metal sharpner which can be sterillised
Brushes should always be washed inbetween models (disinfected)
Check if the client has contacts when working around the eye area. Extra care should be taken as this can be uncomfortable for the client
It is important to keep the work area clean and tidy
Ensure you have good posture
Most makeup artist work from a kit. A dirty and poorly looked after kit is unprofessional kit. products and equipment should be cleaned and disinfected. All products should be clearly labelled. Most cosmetics have a long shelf life. Products should be kept in a cool and dry area away from direct sunlight. Lids should be placed back on the products. If anything is out of date throw the products away.
The client
Gown the client and protect
Do not lean on the clients head
The makeup chair should be adjusted to a suitable height for both the model and yourself
Use a headband to keep the models hair off the face
Do not stretch or lean across the client
Always carry out a consultation and ask the client
A continuity sheet is very important and it makes it possible for a new makeup artist to take over
1 http://hair-and-makeup-artist.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Hygiene-TN.jpg (accessed 4 December 2015)
2 http://img2.timeinc.net/health/images/healthy-living/clean-beauty-tools-150x200.jpg (accessed 4 December 2015)
3 http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/413JVAAfFTL._SY300_.jpg (accessed 4 December 2015)
Conway J (2004) Makeup artist for professional qualification Harlow Essex: Heinemann-Pearson Education Limited