Task 3 Zac Posen SS/15
Zac Posen SS/15 collection are classic, elegant and fitted. They designs can be seen in red, white and black. The red Zac Posen used is slightly more coral than the usual known catwalk red. The collections represented todays classy modern working women and is 50's inspirired it is timeless and far from not boring.
The makeup for the Zac Posen SS/15 collection was by kabuki who used MAC products. The skin had a clear fresh healthy look. Kabuki wanted minium product used on the face the clean dewy look helps the lips readlly stand out and frame them as the foucal point. Concealer under the eyes brighten the eye area. Keep it loose gives the cheeks the flushed look. This was built up slowly using the finger. Groundwork Paint Pot was applied to the eyelids as a sheer layer to shape and lightly sculpt. M·A·C PRO Gloss Texture and M·A·C PRO Reflects Pearl Glitter were mixed together and swept over the eye lid. For the lashes a small amout was applied to the top and bottom lashes. kabuki filled in the lips with Cherry Lip Pencil to enhance the natural lip shape before adding Red Lip Mix over the pencil for a deep orangy/red, semi-matte finish.
The hair was created by Odile Gilbert of Kérastase USA. The models had a a side parting in the hair and it was finished with a wet look finish using wetlook gel. Using a small tooth comb she styled the hair into shape. This created a shinny wet finish and she set the hair with hairspray
The makeup and hair are classic and with a modern twist and style added. This was a classic statment look.I love a bold red lip i think it's a classic statement look which is simple it is very crisp this help the plain one colour outfits stand out and give it a more of a high fashion twist. The fabrics are a very importnat part to this look the gloss makes them stand out By keeping the hair simple and pulled back off the face this made the makeup and outfits stand out as sometimes big hair and bold makeup can distract you from the fashion. Orange colours were a popular on colour trend of the season and can be found all over the highstreet in fashion and makeup retailers. The hair isn't something that would generally worn outside of a catwalk situation
The scene (2014) Odile and Kabuki’s Final Looks at the Zac Posen Runway Show (online) available at
https://thescene.com/watch/presents/followme-odile-gilbert-and-kabuki-s-final-looks-at-the-zac-posen-runway-show (accessed 18 November 2015)
Fashiontographer (2013)BACKSTAGE ZAC POSEN (online) available at
http://fashiontographer.com/backstage-zac-posen/ (accessed 18 November 2015)
Buro247 ( No date) New York Fashion Week: Zac Posen Spring/Summer 15 (online) available at
http://www.buro247.com/me/fashion/feed/ss15-zac-posen-nyfw.html (accessed 18 November 2015)
modaoperandi (no Date) Zac Posen ss15 (online) available at
https://www.modaoperandi.com/zac-posen-ss15 (accessed 18 November 2015)
1 http://scontent-b.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xaf1/t51.2885-/10607994_836765983024651_1558892642_a.jpg (accessed 18 November 2015)
2 http://www.buro247.com/thumb/640x960_0/146_5.jpg (accessed 18 November 2015)
3 http://www.boro.gr/contentfiles/galleryfiles/p19ntpllb51bsp1aqmkq2hvd1j5t6.jpg (accessed 18 November 2015)
4 http://www.buro247.com/thumb/640x960_0/156_4.jpg (accessed 18 November 2015)
5 http://www.secretdor.com/media/blog//z/a/zac_posen.jpg (accessed 18 November 2015)