Term 2 week 1 12th January Hair Re-Capping Curly Blow Drying
Today was our first hair lesson of the next term. We had a chance to refresh on anything we lacked confidence in. For me this is the curly blow dry. I have never managed to complete a whole head. Today i did.
Kanika spent some time with me and demonstrated one to one two curls using the small round brush and hair dryer once she completed a curl she held it in place with a pin curl clip. I have never used this method before and it helped alot!!
I started by washing and conditioning the hair
As usual sectioning in to four and starting from the bottom
I made sure i knew the direction i wanted the curls to go in
once the hair was sectioned I started from the right side of the head grabbing a small section of hair I used a small round brush and wrapped the hair from the end to root horizontally. I directed the air up and down and side to side making sure the hair was completely dry
I unravelled the hair and to keep the hair in place I secured with a clip.
I repeated this over the entire head
Once finished I allowed the hair to cool and removed all the clips to reveal the curls
To create a more natural look I brushed out the curls
This was the first time I have managed to complete a full head.
I was happy with this as it means my skills have improved since term one. The style did lack smoothness which is something I need to work on and symetircality but in hair with curls this can be hard and they don’t always turn out the same. from using the mirror I could see the left side had curled better. I will aim to keep practasing this style as I know it is an important and valuable skill to have in employment