Evaluation of the year HNC

I actually can't believe how quickly this academic year has gone. It only feels like yesterday that i was packing my bags and moving from North Devon to follow my dream of studying makeup. This last year has been a complete roller coaster for me and I have had many ups and downs.
After leaving my full time job within the NHS as an administrative assistant I studies a Level 3 course in theatrical, special effects, media makeup and hair I didn't feel like I had gained enough experience so decided to apply for the HNC at West Thames college. This course particularly interested me as I had read a lot of positive things about the college online and I was interested in the business unit and the chance to develop my skills in fashion, beauty and editorial makeup. Over the year we have had many different modules. I liked the idea of learning a wide range of different skills as this is essential for a makeup artist. From studying the HNC I have learnt I have very good research skills and I actually weirdly enjoy researching the background information it gives me a better understanding and helps me with my designs and inspiration.
In term one we studied body painting, current trends production management, theater and hair. I found production management very interesting. It was a great learning about script breakdowns and how things work behind the scenes on TV and film sets. It was interesting to see how much time and planning goes into each individual characters. I learnt alot from this unit. We were put into groups which turned out to be difficult for me as most weeks it was just me which meant a lot of the work load was put onto me. I was proud of myself for not giving up. You have to work to the best of your ability no matter what the job needs to be done. On the day of the assessment me and Hanna managed to create a successful makeup even though we had never practiced before.
I have covered a brief unit of body painting before but it was great to learn about textures and have chance to experiment. I loved the final result for my out of the frame project i'm not very artistic so was worried but the photographs turned out really well. I was happy with my results.
Theater was a case of refreshing some of my old skills but i did learn new techniques and build on my product knowledge. Product knowledge is essential and selecting the correct products helps create the perfect character.
Term Two we studied current trends cover girl which meant we had freedom to create a look of our choice and find our own model and photographer. I loved this unit and made me network which i've never done before, building working relationships are essential as a makeup artist. We carried on with theater so continued to build on my skills at the end of the term we got to view our work on a theater stage which showed me the importance of color choice and strength of the makeup. In class i always think it looks too much but from the stage my makeup wasn't that visible so i have learnt to make the makeup more bold and not to over blend for stage makeup
I loved the special effects unit. I enjoyed all the research to back up my makeup desgin. I have expanded on my skills and product knowledge. I learnt lots during this unit and used products i have never seen before. The results can be so effective and look realistic if done correctly.
My biggest weakness and struggle on the course has been the hair. This was also my weakness before the course and an area I knew i'd struggle with again this year. I have tried my best and it is something I am going to continue to work on because I know how important it is to have combined hair and makeup skills. I have grasped the concept of basics styling such as blow drys and curling and adding texture using various methods however my struggle is creating effective hairstyles. My other biggest struggle on the course has been eyeliner. I have learnt various ways of different lecturers and have tried different products. It is something i'm determined to perfect so i regularly practice on myself and different eye shapes. I feel thing is slightly effecting my makeup skills as it make me extremely nervous but I will not give up.
This year has taught me better time managment. I can complete a makeup in an allocated time before I used to struggle and felt rushed towards the end. This is a very important skill to have. Studying at West Thames has also given me the opportunity to practice makeup on different skin types and tones. Before this course i had never done makeup on a male or black skin. One thing i didn't do was work experience this was because I lacked confidence in myself however I have practiced lots of the techniques I have learnt on myself, friends and family. I need to push myself and put myself out there now i have the skills
Over the whole year I have learnt new skills and techniques and I have also improved on skills I already had. I have gradually seen my confidence build which is a massive deal for me. I'm starting to see and believe I can do makeup. This is from the support of my lectures, peers and also seeing my work taken by professional photographers. This definitely changes how you view your work. This course has also shown me the importance of networking and building professional relationships. Although I have decided not to do the second year I am more certain of the route I would like to take within the makeup industry. I would love a chance to work behind the scenes of a makeup company and be involved in brand and product development. My favorite unit has been current trends and this is the unit I have definitely grown the most confidence in as during my level 3 course this was the unit i struggled the most with. Holly has been a massive help to me during the past 3 terms she is so encouraging, passionate and supportive of her student. I can't personally thank her enough . I have enjoyed researching the fashion shows and have learnt how important it is to be up to date with the latest fashion trends and how it can inspire your own work.
This year has defiantly been one of the hardest years for me on a personal level but has given me the opportunity to move away and try something I have always dreamed of doing. I have realised achieving and trying something new isn't easy but it has been worth it.
Thank you again West Thames College :)